PonyPhoto Released: Edit Your Photos & Have Fun

PonyPhoto is a marvelous and useful photo editor for Windows Phone 7. PonyPhoto is different from the original mobile photo tools, variety of adjustments and effects you could select for your photos. Manual or automatic adjustment for your photos such as filter effects, rotate, flip, colors, frames, collage, etc. You could still share your photos easily to Flickr. Sharing in the , will come with next version.

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Key features:
1. Image effects. PonyPhoto comes with various effects such as Invert, Grayscale, Sepia, Pixellate, Blur, Sharpen,Jitter, Water Wave, Gamma Correction, Additive Noise, Vignette, Polaroid, TiltShift, Oil Painting, RotateChannel,etc.
2. Changing image’s shape and size. By Ponyphoto you can rotate or cut images to generate a new one.
3. Frames in various styles. There are simple frames, single-color frames, and glaring frames, select a preferred one to make your image more personal and special.
4. Image color adjustments. You could adjust with brightness and contrasts on a selected photo.
5. Collage. Various templates are available for compositing different images to generate a new one.
6. Images save and share. You can save the edited images to the default directory, or send them to flickr easily.

Homepage: http://ponyphotoeditor.com/

Free to download:

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